ESC Papers, Lectures and Panels
“Miami21 New Zoning: New Lessons for New York?” Panelist, Center for Architecture, New York, NY, February 2012
“Reforming NYC’s Zoning” Panelist at Municipal Art Society Summit, New York, NY, October, 2011
“Mapping Manhattan” Panelist for Mapping the CityScape, Center for Architecture, New York, July 2011
“Human Development Overlay District” Presentation to the Council on Foundations, Atlanta, GA, May, 2009
“Human Development Overlay District” Panel for the APA Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 2009
“How Zoning Makes Buildings” Panelist, Center for Architecture, New York, NY, June, 2008
“Human Development Overlay District” (HDOD) with Ford Foundation, National Trust for Historic Preservation: Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2007
“Visualizing the City”, Panelist for Innovations: Technology, Content and Imaging, Center for Architecture, New York, October 2006
“Visioning and Visualization” Workshop at the College of Architecture and Planning CalPoly, CA, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, October 2006
“Building in Your Own Backyard: Infill Housing on Tower-in-the-Park Developments.” Newman Real Estate Institute, New York, NY, Spring 2006
“Modernizing Democracy: Computer Aided-Citizen Participation and Decision-Making in Planning and Urban Design,” School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Washington, DC Sponsored by the J.M. Kaplan Fund, Ford Foundation and the School of Public Policy, 2005
“Transfer of Development Rights: How It Works,” Seminar on Transferable Development Rights, The Appraisal Institute, New York, NY, November 2004
“Visioning and Visualization” Workshop, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, May 2004 Albuquerque, NM
“Planning and Design with People,” International Workshop on Simulation, Cognition and Virtual Reality: The Study of Complex Artificial Environments, University of Tel Aviv, Venice, Italy, April 2004
“Managing change from the Project to the Region”, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs and Real Estate Program, New York, NY, March 2004
“Managing Complexity and Uncertainty™: Just-In-Time Planning” School of Architecture and Planning, State University of New York at Buffalo, March 2004
“Visioning and Visualization” Workshop, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, December 2004
“Neighborhood Development in the Digital Age” Lecturer, Federal Reserve Bank, New York, November 2004
“New Technologies for Planning and Public Participation” Audio Conference, American Planning Association, November 2004
“Zoning Lot Mergers in New York City” Lecturer, American Appraisal Institute, June 2004
“Visioning and Visualization” Workshop, George Mason University, May 2004
“Housing We Love But Can’t Build Again Under Current Zoning”, Lecturer New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, April 2004
“Visioning and Visualization” Workshop, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, December 2003
“Simulation, Visualization and the Law” Lecturer, New York County Lawyers Association, New York, NY, October 2003
“Visualization Techniques in Planning” Lecturer, State Planning Directors in the West, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, October 2003.
“Housing We Love But Can’t Build Again Under Current Zoning”, Lecturer New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, April 2003
Symposium in Honor of David Crane, School of Architecture and Planning, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, February 2003
“Visualizing the Future: Tools for Building Consensus and Managing Change.” Keynote Address: Developments and Directions in Visualization, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2003
“Visioning and Visualization” Workshop, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, December 2002
“Managing Complexity and Uncertainty: Just-in-Time-Planning™”, Lecturer, University of Miami, School of Architecture, Coral Gables, FL, November 2002